Kaufman Legal Group
Kaufman Legal Group is a leader in the specialized field of political law, representing clients in some of the most high-profile political campaigns and public policy debates in the City of Los Angeles, State of California and on the national stage. The firm is and always has been committed to diversity and inclusivity. The firm has – and always has had – an extremely diverse group of employees, representing a wide range of backgrounds. In fact, five of the firm’s seven attorneys are minorities or women. Women and members of the firm with diverse backgrounds are included in all manner of leadership and decision-making positions. They are key in making hiring decisions, determining promotions, and tackling strategic issues on behalf of the firm.
The firm encourages employees to get involved in civic and charitable activities, and sponsors several group events throughout the year, including the LA River clean-up and the United Way LA HomeWalk.The firm also prides itself on developing a culture in which all employees feel they are an important part of a team. Every week the firm holds an all-firm Zoom meeting, which both allows the opportunity to discuss pressing firm matters in a forum-like setting, but also celebrate important milestones and victories together like the recent Dodgers World Series win.