65.2 F
Los Angeles
Friday, Mar 28, 2025

Top 100 Lawyers 2024 – JAMES AZADIAN


Regarding as one of the nation’s leading appellate advocates, Jimmy Azadian co-leads Dykema’s nationwide Appellate and Critical Motions Practice and serves as the firm’s West Coast appellate chair. He specializes in complex federal and state court commer- cial litigation raising cutting-edge and core business issues, the First Amendment to the Constitution, Arti- cle I of the California Constitution and the application of California’s anti-SLAPP statute in federal court. He has been responsible for arguing cases that have had immense impact on the law, some with hundreds of mil- lions of dollars at stake.

Azadian has served as counsel in more than 270 appeals and writ proceedings covering a wide variety of industries and subjects throughout the country. He often serves as special counsel to other law firms in preparing advocates for oral argument and in assisting with the preparation of appellate briefs as well as critical motions at the trial court level.

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