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Los Angeles
Monday, Sep 16, 2024

Women of Influence: Finance 2024 – Heather Quinn

Custom Content by the Los Angeles Business Journal

Financial Advisor
Fortuna Wealth Management, Legacy Strategies and Insurance Solutions

Heather Quinn started career in the entertainment industry – first at CAA, then moved to Sony, Warner Bros., and Fox. Eventually, she became the head of television for Overbrook Entertainment, overseeing a heavy portfolio of high-profile projects. Though she started in a different industry, themes of personal financial planning were woven throughout Quinn’s career. She once produced an ABC special called “Un-broke: What You Need to Know About Money” alongside Mellody Hobson. She saw firsthand how the entertainment career can have many phases, shifting from short-term contract gigs, to loan-outs, to vested corporate positions.

Today, Quinn helps clients, many of whom share a similar entertainment background, take control of their financial future. With her hard working self-made immigrant mother in mind, Quinn strives to help as many women as she can find the financial peace all hard-working women deserve.

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