Home News Hollywood Playing Huge Election Role

Hollywood Playing Huge Election Role


A dozen television and still cameras greeted actor Robert Redford when he went to a hilltop last week to declare his support for Proposition 87, the oil tax initiative on the Nov. 7 ballot, the Sacramento Bee reports.

Even more cameras were in Malibu last weekend when Pierce Brosnan, Daryl Hannah, Halle Berry and other movie stars joined surfers in protesting a proposed offshore liquefied natural gas terminal.

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, a celebrity in his own right, is raking in campaign cash from the likes of movie director James Cameron, former co-star Danny DeVito and fellow action hero Sylvester Stallone.

Hollywood, long a leading player in California politics, is taking a starring turn in this year’s election season because of the rise of celebrity news coverage and the heated competition for media attention.

Read the full Sacramento Bee story


Los Angeles Business Journal Author