LABJ FORUM – Battle Cry


LABJ FORUM – Battle Cry

The debate over the government’s response to the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, their connection to Iraq and the war that followed has exploded again onto the front pages. In the heat of the presidential campaign, former counter-terrorism chief Richard Clarke has become the latest former Bush administration official to levy charges that the White House intended to invade Iraq all along, allegations that have been denied. So the Business Journal asks:

Do you think the Bush administration decided to go to war with Iraq immediately after 9/11?

Tony Gonzales

Vice President

HNTB Architecture Inc.

I think it was part of their original plan, and 9/11 just gave them the mechanism to begin those plans. It doesn’t surprise me. It could have political fallout for the elections once the committee completes its investigation. I don’t think (Bush’s) campaign should be based on 9/11. If the Iraq war is the candidate’s strength, they should run on what their perceived strengths are.

Toby Hur

Membership Director

California Chapter, National Association of Social Workers

Yes. And who knows how much more we’ll find. It doesn’t surprise me. (Former Treasury Secretary) Paul O’Neill already came out with that, and that legitimized the claim. The White House continues to deny it. It’s almost like the war that Bush’s father never got to finish. It’s all mostly the same players too, Donald Rumsfeld and Colin Powell.”

Ray Nouaili

Chief Executive

Express Financial & Insurance Services Inc.

I think so. Since Day One, even before 9/11, they wanted to go after Iraq. It’s the nature of the Bush administration. What’s coming out in the 9/11 investigations doesn’t surprise me, not at all, especially with Clarke’s and O’Neill’s books.

Sharon Nichols

Chief Operating Officer

AlphaDogs Inc.

It sounds like President Bush did have a predisposed agenda, but I certainly hope he had all the best intentions. It sounds like these hearings are meant to inform the public of what they already knew from the beginning, and hopefully, the public is more informed so we can draw our own conclusions as to what his intentions were.

Jerome A. Grossman


Dewey Ballantine LLP

It wouldn’t surprise me if that were the case. There’s enough bad blood between Bush’s father and Saddam that he was predisposed to go after Iraq. I’ve heard (Richard) Clarke’s statements that Bush wanted reasons to go after Iraq. I haven’t read all the rebuttals, or seen all the testimony. I don’t know that it even matters. Ultimately, Bush came up with reasons.

Raymond Polidoro

General Manager

Swinerton Management & Consulting

Sept. 11 was an act of war and I think the president proceeded with what he needed to do, based on available intelligence. He went out and got the support he needed from the countries that recognized terrorism as a threat. I think the president did the responsible thing and I don’t believe there was a preconceived notion to go to war with Iraq.

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