Tricks for Avoiding Overtime in Home Office


This past year, I’ve cut down on the number of nights that I work late. My old schedule was to get to my office at 8 a.m. and work straight through until 9 p.m. Now, I leave the office no later than 7 in the evening and shoot for getting out by 6.

What I learned in the process sounds trite: I manage to get all of my work done and expand my business even though I don’t work as late. The secret is to be more efficient during the day and to prioritize the work that needs to be done.

A few of my new tricks include keeping phone calls short, delegating absolutely everything that doesn’t require my imprimatur and making quick decisions. In the old days, I was less effective and counted on catching up in the evening hours.

I still put in weekend hours to get a jump on the week, but my new habits have let me cut back on my total number of work hours. If you’re slipping into a late-night work pattern, use the following steps to cut back.

– Plan a schedule. If your to-do list remains largely undone at the day’s end, create a daily priority plan. Make a daily list of essential tasks and don’t stay late to complete anything that isn’t on this priority list.

– Punch the time clock. If you’ve been working at home for awhile, you may have become accustomed to taking care of personal errands during the day. For a few weeks, make a conscious effort to avoid doing personal business during work hours.

You’ll be surprised how much more time you’ll have to handle to-do items before sundown. Once your nights are work-free, you can slowly reintroduce personal errands into your routine, if necessary.

– Rise and shine. If you work late, chances are you wake up late, and this can create a vicious cycle. For one week, force yourself to get to your desk earlier and to leave it earlier. This will be hard at first, but you will probably discover that getting started earlier in the day makes your workday more productive.

– Separate home and office. A work area set in the middle of a living area will constantly beckon for your attention. Find a way to put a barrier between you and your home office.

For instance, reorganize a seldom-used room into an office. If you live in a small place, look for a desk unit that folds into a cabinet or use a folding screen as a wall.

– Let the phone ring. When you’re near your desk in the evening, it can be tempting to pick up calls that come in on your work line. Doing so is a surefire way to get drawn in to late-night work. Instead, let the call go to your answering machine and resist the temptation to check it before sunrise.

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