LABJ Forum: ‘Tis the Season for Hollywood Hype


LABJ Forum: ‘Tis the Season for Hollywood Hype

Oscar nominations are out and the entertainment press hasn’t wasted any time playing up the competition between the various nominees. After Sept. 11, though, some folks might have lost their appetites for what could, under normal circumstances, be deemed fluff. Still, the Academy Awards have been an American tradition for more than a half-century. So the Business Journal asks:

Do people spend too much time worrying about the Academy Awards?

Kelly Goldsmith

Castaway Survivor 3

I think there’s a history that comes with the Academy Awards, and we kind of use it as a way to determine what they best movies in America are and what will become classics. The Academy Awards are a great American tradition, it’s time honored and we can all get excited about it. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. People should get as excited as they want.

Regan Phillips

Vice President

Edelman Public Relations Entertainment Marketing

No. I actually don’t think people spend too much time. It’s a great form of entertainment. Movies change people’s lives and bring them together. Also, it’s a very important business in our region, it’s vital to our economy. I think the Academy Awards offer a chance for people in the business to recognize and acknowledge other people in the business. People should be recognized for doing spectacular and moving work.

John Pavlik

Director of Communications

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences

Heavens no, they should spend at least two or three times as much time wondering about the Academy Awards! Look, I’ve been watching the Academy Awards since I was a little kid in Minneapolis. It’s a nice break in an otherwise stressful existence. I don’t think people put too much emphasis on it, it’s just something they look forward to and enjoy.

Cecily Knobler

Stand-Up Comic

Politics aside, I think the Oscars are an original throwback to a time when people truly admired talent. They are an inspiration to anyone in any field, and they’re a great excuse to throw snooty parties and drink martinis. I loved being a kid and not living in Hollywood and having idols to look up to. It’s like watching a fairy tale and, again, it’s just a great excuse to act ridiculous.

Josh Spector

Film Reporter

Hollywood Reporter

I think they do in that they tend to view that as an ultimate barometer of what’s a good movie and what’s not. What wins an Academy Award can be very different from what’s commercially or critically successful. So I think people do worry about it too much, if they think that because something wins best movie of the year, it’s actually the best movie of year. But it’s really fun for the audience and for the public. They like arguing about the categories and they enjoy the broadcast.

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