Entrepreneur’s Notebook: Companies Shouldn’t Ignore Low-Tech Yellow Pages


Companies Shouldn’t Ignore Low-Tech Yellow Pages

Entrepreneur’s Notebook

by Sharon Berman

Despite all the talk about a new economy and technology changing the world, there’s one old-fashioned marketing tool that’s still around Yellow Page advertising.

Many businesspeople underestimate the power of this medium, believing it’s only for auto dealerships or pool equipment. However, if you are marketing directly to consumers, Yellow Page directories are indispensable.

Personal bankruptcy attorneys, tax practitioners and even plastic surgeons can do a large portion of their business through the Yellow Pages. However, those marketing to businesses as opposed to the individual consumer should also consider the Yellow Pages as a powerful ad medium. Companies can often land large accounts from a call that came in through the phone book.

Yellow Page advertising is expensive. One reason the rates are surprisingly high is that it is an extremely effective means of advertising that reaches many different kinds of clients. It helps to not view it as an expense, but rather as an investment that can bring a demonstrable return.

First off, size does matter. The larger ads do get read first, especially if they are attention-getting. Your audience may not reach the smaller ads, having already found their provider in the larger ads. Also, the largest ads are often placed at the beginning of a section. A nice one-quarter page is large enough for good information, yet not overpowering. Your best bet is to anchor it with a column listing in color, if available.

Ideally, you want to develop an ad that has something visually compelling and attracts the reader, whether it is the copy or the graphics. Developing this kind of ad can be a challenge given the clutter on a Yellow Page spread, but with thought and creativity, it can be done.

The foundation for doing this is to develop a point of differentiation, something within your area of expertise that sets you apart from everything else on the page. For example, “Serious Personal Injury,” or “father’s rights.” Keep in mind that narrowing your target audience and honing your message has the potential to increase your return.

You’re looking for simple, attention-getting copy with a memorable tag line that can help you go a long way toward making an impact on your reader. Keep your copy to the point and clearly communicate the benefits. If the ad copy is vague or inconclusive, it tends to irritate the reader. Don’t make them have to put two and two together. Add it up for them.

One strategy that can work well is using numbers to enumerate the benefits, such as, “10 Reasons to Call John Doe, CPA Today.” It draws them in. If done right, it can also detail the reasons they should call. These ads tend to “pop” more than if they are buried in a paragraph. Also, a list looks easier to read than a block of copy.

The trick is to communicate the information in an interesting, clear, concise manner. In your copy, call out the related businesses you are in. Don’t forget to include your Web page and e-mail address.

Regarding graphics, you want the ad to be as easy to read as possible. You’re striving for something that is clean and uncluttered. If your ad is on the same page or across from a clear, easy-to-read advertisement, where is the eye going to go first?

Use color to make your ad more interesting; however, you want to make sure that the print can be read easily. Today, you’re not tied to the red of yesteryear. Many Yellow Pages are using blue, green and other colors. Photos can also be helpful to add interest, but have more of an impact if the photo relates to the type of business you’re in.

For example, a personal injury lawyer may have the photo of firemen in action. Make sure the print is still clear and easy to read. You don’t want the photo to take too much attention away from the print.

When it comes to listing your business in the directory, put it in all of the categories that someone might look under. Consider doing space ads in each category.

Just as in any other aspect of your marketing, you want to go as far as you can to measure results. Track the calls and leads you receive as a result of this advertising. Remember that it can only take one call the right one to pay for this year’s advertising and for advertising for years to come.

If you’re advertising now and don’t think you are getting the response you should be, talk with your Yellow Pages representative. They may have suggestions as to how to enhance your ad. Yellow Page directories may seem old-fashioned, but they’re still one of the most effective advertising mediums.

Sharon Berman is principal of Berbay Corp., a marketing consultancy. She can be reached at [email protected]

Entrepreneur’s Notebook is a regular column contributed by EC2, The Annenberg Incubator Project, a center for multimedia and electronic communications at the University of Southern California. Contact James Klein at (213) 743-1759 with feedback and topic suggestions.

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