Letter Toccoli



Kudos to Polanco

I commend state Senator Polanco for remembering all consumers in the new electric marketplace (“Let’s not make the same deregulation mistakes,” March 24). Small business and residential customers actively supported AB 1890, the legislation opening the market for generation of electricity, because we believed a competitive market would offer true customer choice.

Sen. Polanco summed it up accurately when he stated that California must create a restructuring model that is one of fairness, equality and true choice for all consumers. Racing to unbundle the service portion of the industry, without setting specific guidelines and consumer protection measures, will signify to other states that we have not learned from the problems that occurred in the deregulation of the telecommunications industry.

Small business applauds Sen. Polanco for recognizing the need to initiate a plan that remembers small business and residential consumers in the new electric marketplace. It took more than two years to develop sound legislation through which California’s consumers could benefit from electric restructuring. We would be wise to ensure that last year’s effort is solidly implemented before we move forward with a complicated issue such as unbundling.

Betty Jo Toccoli


California Small Business Association

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